
I would like to first start off with a BIG thank you to everyone who gave Pepper Plant Peet a try this past week. This was the launch of my very first game and I cannot begin to explain my gratitude to those who gave the game a shot, and provided me with nothing but positive constructive feedback! You people rule.

I have been hard at work fixing up a few minor things people have pointed out to me that will improve the player experience. Collision boxes being the most common; Looking at in now I see what you guys mean! :) So they are improved in this latest patch. 

I also had the pleasure of watching Rocknight play the game on a twitch stream(Thanks to Daszain for the share). The feedback given was extremely helpful. However the best lessons were from watching someone completely new to the game play it for the first time. Thing that were missed in the play through, confusing moments. Seeing this has given me the opportunity to  make minor adjustments to the games flow to make new players feel at home in the game and start having fun faster! 

These changes include adding the necessary items to the first wave level that makes Peet into a big plant that can actually shoot. The original plan was to have a small mini challenge/ tutorial to teach about breakable objects and item collection. However most missed this in the start level so would die on there first try running away from the tomatoes in the next level. This would turn new players who haven't invested anything in the game off, and thus miss out on what I and others know to be a fun game :( So it was important to fix this game flow issue in this patch. Adding these items to the first wave level will make for a fun mad dash for new players; that will now most likely end in a player victory.

Another issue was most players missed the hidden item " The Hot Pepper Blaster" AKA The Machine Gun. It is kind of a important item. If you do not have it this game is hard..very hard. In this latest patch, If the player misses the hidden item they will still receive it once advancing to the finial level of the game before the boss. It adds to new layer of fun to the game to have this new powerful weapon at this point.

Other Improvements..

Breakable objects are more clear and minor bug fixes.

Big Thank you to ZaxVax on the BTPDiscord who was basically my launch day bata tester. ZaxVax actually was the first to complete the game!

If you have any comments please let me know! I would love to hear them just keep it clean!

Will post again soon :)



PepperPlantPeetWebGL.zip Play in browser
Nov 18, 2019